The saga of the SP Revelation cont...



Audioholic Intern
Just to catch everyone up I am in the process of bringing a neglected pair of SP Revelations back to life. They are a beautiful walnut, the only one made in this material according to the maker. The cabinets are 95% done and another member kindly sold me a pair of external crossovers that were absent when I purchased them. I am now looking for info on what the original drivers and tweeters were, as well as a schematic on how to get these babies singing again. I spoke with the maker, Bob, and he said he would get information and supplies, including tweeters, over to me in a "care package", and that it would be nice to restore one more pair of speakers, as he said he no longer makes them. He told me with the new parts they would sound even better than factory due to design changes. Of course I was overjoyed and very thankful. It was a couple weeks later when he contacted me again, apologized for the delay, and that he had some family issues and would get back in a few days. I want to be understanding to his situation but unfortunately that was October 6th and these monoliths are all refinished and collecting dust in my basement. If Bob is dealing with family matters I don’t want to bother him. So I again turn to the forum for assistance. I would really like to get these speakers going and any help is greatly appreciated.

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