I've come up with a pretty trick procedure for calibrating multiple subs that I am writing an article about.
Attached are plots of my front row and back row in my theater room. These are in-room measurements at the listening position with 1/12th octave resolution.
My room is very challenging since its L-shaped. I am using almost no passive treatment for bass frequencies and also using dissimilar subs (2 ported RBH and 2 sealed servos from Velodyne). They are not ideally located but as best positioned as I could to maintain good aesthetic factors as well as performance.
The fact I was able to achieve this type of response is quite remarkable and involved doing Audyssey EQ correction to all 4 subs simultaneously. I am trying to get Denon to adopt a single correction curve for all subs instead of individually correcting each sub which doesn't work in most cases.
I use my front row for critical two-channel listening and my back row for multi channel music and movies. My back row is only 3 feet off the back wall which is a huge pressure zone but I managed to smooth out the bass nicely considering. The added boost below 40Hz adds a lot of tactile response that resonates my riser which is great for movies with lots of LFE info
Most importantly all of my seats are good seats and I didn't just calibrate for a single sweet spot like so many often do. More to come...