The Right way to calibrate Multiple Subs



Audioholics Master Chief
I've come up with a pretty trick procedure for calibrating multiple subs that I am writing an article about.

Attached are plots of my front row and back row in my theater room. These are in-room measurements at the listening position with 1/12th octave resolution.

My room is very challenging since its L-shaped. I am using almost no passive treatment for bass frequencies and also using dissimilar subs (2 ported RBH and 2 sealed servos from Velodyne). They are not ideally located but as best positioned as I could to maintain good aesthetic factors as well as performance.

The fact I was able to achieve this type of response is quite remarkable and involved doing Audyssey EQ correction to all 4 subs simultaneously. I am trying to get Denon to adopt a single correction curve for all subs instead of individually correcting each sub which doesn't work in most cases.

I use my front row for critical two-channel listening and my back row for multi channel music and movies. My back row is only 3 feet off the back wall which is a huge pressure zone but I managed to smooth out the bass nicely considering. The added boost below 40Hz adds a lot of tactile response that resonates my riser which is great for movies with lots of LFE info :D

Most importantly all of my seats are good seats and I didn't just calibrate for a single sweet spot like so many often do. More to come...


adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Very cool Gene. Quick question: What software are you using to do the measurements? Is that pro XT? Is there free downloadable measurement software I could download to my laptop and get a decent mic? If not what should I get? I'm going to be trying to configure my 2 dissimilar subs soon and I would like to get what my room responses are now and how Audyssey changes my curves.



Audioholics Master Chief
The program I use is from Linear X called LMS. I highly recommend that you do NOT use that program as the hardware is very problematic and its sometimes a full time job for me to get it functional. It is however very accurate and hence why I am cursed to continue using it.

I recommend getting TrueRTA and investing in a good soundcard and mic. We are writing an article on how to measure loudspeakers with the software which should be published after the New Year.

Its important to note you need at least 1/12th octave resolution to do any meaningful correction of room issues. The display Velodyne gives you via the SMS-1 is inadequate since its only 1/3rd octave. The curves do look pretty on it though but its not a very useful tool for measuring in-room response.

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