I'm really only mentioning this movie for Skizzerflake. This is a very good movie. I don't want to call it slow but it's pace did allow you to have yourself some deep thoughts.
Here's what I liked about it. Toward the end the actor playing the part of the bad guy got to play a role that displayed an unprecedented range and convincingly at that. Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman were their regular professional selves.
Not being a fan of gore and watching people in pain, I'll say that the film makers did not go overboard and I appreciate that. I think what they showed was necessary for the audience to understand the magnitude of forgiveness required to heal.
I'm pretty sure that Redbox only having this in DVD means that it wasn't mainstream at all so it probably won't be around for long. I never got the sense that the actors were standing in front of a camera like I did in Noah.
Now I'm going to go watch Under the Skin for the 7th time.