With this being my first post... hello world.
I am just getting audio and recently purchased my first speaker set (
Klipsch Reference Dolby Atmos Surround System):
2 - R-625FA Tower Speakers
2 - R-41M Bookshelf Speakers
1 - R-52C Center Channel Speaker
Total = $900 (
All connects to a Sony STR-DN1080 and a hand-me-down Sony 10" subwoofer from early 2000s.
I purchased the Sony receiver based on the reports of its beginner-friendliness and the speakers on pretty much the same, if not their popularity. Into 3 weeks of ownership, past the honeymoon phase, I find them lacking from a pure sound quality perspective - As the saying goes, "you get what you pay for." So i am biting the bullet and returning the speakers for a decent pair of 2 channels (even though the avr has a part for sure) at around the same cost. With all endless speaker brands and DIYs, various electronics... I'll be sure to reach out at some point before when i start to drown. Here I go into the rabbit hole.