The future of console videogames



Audioholic Ninja
Am I the only one that does not want motion sensing gaming like the Wii and "controller-free" gaming like the Kinect taking over the future of gaming. For some reason it does not appeal to me at all and when I watch people playing these games they look like idiots in their living room playing them and with dumbed down audio and video.

IMO one of the biggest flaws of the Kinect system is the lack of a controller all together. For a simple example, say you are playing tennis on the Kinect, it is only natural to have something in your hand like a racket - I find this to be a big oversight. This system does not appeal to me at all.

I really hope MS and Sony do not abandon the classic powerful type console gaming systems like the Xbox 360 and PS3.

Where do gamers stand here?
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Audioholic Samurai
They will have their place, but will they be successful that's a whole other issue, gaming history has shown that peripherals don't do well at all. I'm curious to see how each one works but don't count me as one who will run out and buy either of these to be the first on the block to have one. In order for either one to be successful IMO it will be depend on the games that are offered as it stands for now MS offers casual games for the Kinect which is really who they are going after, Sony is trying to appeal to everyone but at the end of the day it's anybody's guess which will be successful. I would have never thought the Wii would have sold as well as it has.


Audioholic General
Motion sensor really isn't that much more fun, I prefer a good ol'fashion controller. Then again, I don't play that many console games. Mainly just Mario Kart Wii, and the classic WiiWare games.
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Audioholic Samurai
for me, the point of gaming has always been it's fun to defeat nazi germany by being lazy and sitting on a sofa drooling all over my controller. i have no issue with motion sensing gaming, but someone i know has a wii and it sucks, the graphics suck, the audio sucks, it won't output HD, and theres no fun games for it, i mean seriously? some of the games look WORSE then gamecube games, when i played wii sports all i could think of is "havent we moved past N64 gfx years ago?" i will not buy one ever and i dont get why anyone else has bought them.

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