I just stumbled across this yesterday - - There's a theory abroad on the always truthful web, that Heath Ledger modeled his characterization of The Joker on Tom Waits, especially a recorded interview on an Australian talk show, back in 1979. I happened to find the interview before I heard the story and all the way through it I was thinking that Tom reminded me of somebody (aside from Tom who does wonderfully creative and bizarre interviews), though I couldn't put my finger on it. Once I saw a message I realized that Waits spoke and gestured just like The Joker, although not in an evil way. Is it coincidence, or did Ledger model himself on Waits? They knew each other, but hardly from 1979. Anyway, judge for yourself...even if you don't believe it, it's really funny. Tom Waits australia interview 1979 part 1 - YouTube