Do we really need a re-boot of the Spiderman franchise? That was my thought going in, but the movie won me over. Once again Peter gets bit by a weird spider (this time part of a captive colony of genetically engineered spiders making fiber for the evil corporation) and turns on the bad guys of New York. This time his love interest is called Gwen (why?), and he's after a guy who's turning into a big, hostile lizard.
Anyway...Andrew Garfield really brings it off, doing a good job of being a troubled Spiderman, not being dwarfed by Toby McGuire. The rest of the cast is also quite good and the whole thing looks somewhat like Spiderman if it were done by Chris Nolan. It's somewhat darker than other Spidermans, with excellent music from James Horner (LOTR). I'm NOT a fan of 3D, but, in this case, it's JUST 3D, not much of stupid stuff coming at you, not that gimmicky. The best 3D is Spiderman webbing his way through the canyons of New York, which really works well. If you can take yet another re-boot, this is quite good. There's a hook at the end for a sequel, but it's not too manipulative.