Wayne Kerr Man

Thanks to Audiholics team, Wayne Kerr staffs get a place to meet and talk to people who are interested in using Wayne Kerr's measurement equipment for audio and home theater products.
We promise to respond to Wayne Kerr products related quesions within 24 hours.


Audioholics Master Chief
How about discussing measurement techniques for measuring Rs, Ls and Cp for a speaker cable.

Can you discuss the differences of using Cp vs Cs measurment technique for measuring the open circuit capacitance of a speaker cable?

How can one more accurately measure Ls at frequencies below 1kHz for short cable lengths of 10ft or so?

Reference Terms
Rdc - Commonly referred to DCR which is the series resistance of a cable at zero frequency.
Rac - The resistive portion of the cables series resistance as a function of frequency due to skin effect.
Rs - Total Series Resistance (mohms) measured tip to tip at one end of the cable while the other end is shorted. Note: Rs = Rac + Rdc (minus instrumentation inaccuracies identified below)

Ls - Series Inductance (uH) measured tip to tip at one end of the cable while the other end is shorted.
Cp - Parallel Capacitance (pF) measured tip to tip at one end of the cable while the other end is open circuited.


Senior Audioholic
I don't know, Gene...

It's 2:05 now...I posted at 1:07 yesterday...that's more than 24 hours....

What's goin on?

Guess it's not a products related question?

Cheers, John (audiophyte) E..

Gawd...I hate that word... :mad:

AHA!!!seems that some infernal nefarious person decided you need to use central standard time for my NY based posts....

But, still..it's 2:10 now, and the 24 hours is up...

Does that mean I don't have to pay for my pizza's??

Wayne Kerr Man

John's input

Your suggestion is really good. We are looking into our application design to see how those measurement will be accessed by users, kind of UI design. Internal technical issues are much easy to solve.
Also, what is good form factor? Hand-held, Laptop size, or rack mount?
We are carefully investigating you folks inputs. Response may not be that prompt.

Wayne Kerr Man

multi-threads issue

I replied to John's message on Audio Cable tester requirement. It is posted here. I followed my "Thanks" thread, naturely I missed Gene's topics to discuss thread.
Now I know, I need to be careful in dealing multi-thread issues.

Wayne Kerr Man

Gene has been the real user, or expert in using Impedence Analyzer for audio cables. I suggest Gene to first educate me (or us) the importance of measuring DCR, ACR, or Cp.

no wayne kerr


is this Wayne kerr equipment or the lesser known microtest stuff from taiwan?


Poor Wayne

Sorry, this has nothing to do with the topic. I just can't get over that guy's name... Wayne Kerr!! What the??!! What were his parents thinking!! Perhaps they were in the adult film industry?!

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