May I make a suggestion?
You might want to look around, as monster cable is a bit expensive for what you get out of it. has some sound king brand wire that is very affordable, and in 12ga and possibly even 10ga if you feel the need for gauges that large. They also stock a whole range of connectors.
A few other online shops that have good price cables and connectors: (althought their prices are not as nice as the other two, but it is a small shop, but you do get great service.
EDIT: heh, didn't catch the part that you already have the fronts as monster...yeah I would go for flex pins if anything...I have a set of them and they are decent. I wouldn't ever pay that much again, but I feel they are better than solid pins. I think they are $20 for 4 connectors (2 red, 2 blue).