I pulled out some old albums the other day and put disc on my recently refurbished/ overhauled Technics SL15 Linear tracker ....after a few minutes the arm pulled up automatically and went back to start position. I tried a few different records and it happened just randomly on a couple....when you circle back to the area in question it plays through fine...not a troubled spot on the LP itself....my friend suggested maybe some light near the TT is confusing the tracking....its almost like the linear tracking just doesn't like a section of the record and stops , but it's very random ...any clues? thanks!
Could be a huge number of things.
What I can tell you is that that model of turntable is a problem unit, as are pretty much all linear tracking turntables.
It is too bad you did not post here before spending money on it.
I would send it back to the refurbisher and see if he will warranty his work. If you get it back in working order: - SELL IT FAST.
Then get yourself something more straight forward and reliable. Tracking error was never anything that needed the sledge hammer and complexity of linear tracking.
Properly set up, you set it for zero error on the inside grooves that are hardest to track and you are left with an insignificant error on the outside grooves.
Linear trackers always kept cropping up and failing.
Lastly, I would not spend another red cent on that unit, but cut your losses. That is not a turntable to use, just a curio to talk about.