TARA Labs in trouble :)



Audioholics Master Chief
This is frontpage worthy news. Thanks :)
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

Great way to save a few bucks...til you get nailed! ;)
Rip Van Woofer

Rip Van Woofer

Audioholic General
Will Customs ABX them against domestic cables? ;)
Resident Loser

Resident Loser

Senior Audioholic

"No fraud was intended or, indeed, perpetrated..."

He!!...I thought it was company policy...

jimHJJ(...whooda thunk it?...)


Seriously, I have no life.
Resident Loser said:
"No fraud was intended or, indeed, perpetrated..."

He!!...I thought it was company policy...

jimHJJ(...whooda thunk it?...)

What else would they say, that you caught us red handed in our fraud scheme? :D


I used to work there. The owners knew exactly what they were doing. Two disgruntled ex-emplyees (husband/wife) were gathering evidence for months before they quit and turned it all over to the feds. One of the owners is particularly rude and gruff with the employees. I suspect this is a case of what goes around, comes around.

The cables were speced good so were probably OK quality wise but not worth what you get charged for the TARA name.


Seriously, I have no life.
exTARA said:
I used to work there. The owners knew exactly what they were doing. Two disgruntled ex-emplyees (husband/wife) were gathering evidence for months before they quit and turned it all over to the feds. One of the owners is particularly rude and gruff with the employees. I suspect this is a case of what goes around, comes around.

The cables were speced good so were probably OK quality wise but not worth what you get charged for the TARA name.

What else can you tell us? :D


mtrycrafts said:
What else can you tell us? :D
Nothing too specific as I don't want to get dragged into the eventual grand jury proceedings.

Most of the cable they use as base stock is made in China. Not necessarily a bad thing as it's just as good as it's US equivalent.

They're still open and doing business as usual. The owners just won't be able to buy as many Christmas presents for themselves this year but their lawyers will :p


all of you are wrong and don't know the facts of the case. i know the owner and the product is extremely high quality as always. there was no fraud, which will be shown in court


Unregistered said:
all of you are wrong and don't know the facts of the case. i know the owner and the product is extremely high quality as always. there was no fraud, which will be shown in court
Neither do you fanboy :rolleyes:


Seriously, I have no life.
Unregistered said:
all of you are wrong and don't know the facts of the case. i know the owner and the product is extremely high quality as always. there was no fraud, which will be shown in court

Well, it is good to know that we will know the facts in court, not what is claimed. You really think the owner would admit wrong doing before the facts? Lets see, some swamp land is still available for sale in FL?

What is extremely high quality? Coming out of China for a song and a dance? But then, wire is not rocket science, is it.
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

What I wanna know is...what did the owner know, and when did he know it. ;)


Rob Babcock said:
What I wanna know is...what did the owner know, and when did he know it. ;)
There are two owners who both, at the very least, knew/know full well that pulling the country of origin stickers off prepackaged terminated cables was moraly wrong. If they thought that the act of pulling the stickers meant they could say it was made in USA because this repackaging labor occured in the USA, won't be a legal defense as ignorance of a law doesn't mean you can't/won't get prosecuted for violationg that law.

Using bulk cable and termination parts from China and terminating it in the USA is perfectly legal to then label it 'Made in USA' But that's not what they are in trouble for.

These cables were preterminated and already in plastic clamshell packaging. After the stickers were pulled, the clamshell packaged cables were also put in new cardboard boxes without country of origin printing on them so no touring customers could see that they were sourced from China. The stickers and old shipping boxes were then disposed of. The owners strictly enforced this policy.

The cable's quality isn't an issue here but it's still illegal to sell or distribute them in altered packaging and/or labeling.

BTW many of TARA's employees are actively seeking employment elsewhere for obvious reasons. Many of them were unhappy there even before this all hit the fan.

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