If anyone with any knowledge/insight of Sony's SXRD "A2000" series rear projection sets can lend any assistance, it would be appreciated...
My model is a KDS-50A2020 50" set in Sony's Grand Wega SXRD line...after playing with the various picture modes -- which offers the choice of "Vivid," "Standard" or "Custom" -- I came to the conclusion, based on my eye preference, that "Standard" seemed to deliver the best "punch" without having me go into the Custom mode and adjust a bevvy of "Advanced Settings" or go into the service menu and screw something up there...
Yet, I have been thinking, because I have ordered the DVE HD Basics Blu-ray calibration disc and it's on the way, perhaps I should re-evaluate calibrating in the set's Custom mode which all videophiles tend to use. This also offers up the WARM 2 color temp standard; if I did decide to recalibrate in the Custom mode with the DVE Blu-ray that's coming, I would still be stuck with what to do with the "Advanced Settings" menu that opens under "Custom" mode...these settings consist of:
Black Corrector
Edge Enhancement
Detail Enhancer
Live Color
White Balance
...there may be more but that covers the majority of the selections. Could anyone help me with what these should be adjusted to? I have heard that "Detail Enhancer" can be used even on its Maximum setting to get Blu-rays to really pop off the screen, but things like Edge Enhancement and Black Corrector should not be used...and Gamma should perhaps be left on Low...do these suggestions seem logical?
With the White Balance, that's a whole different can of worms...without instrumentation, these can't really be set (the Gain/Bias of the colors) and so some have suggested just leaving these in their default "0" positions...is this recommended?
I have chosen Standard picture mode also because it seemed to be a good comprimise between the outrageous "Vivid" and the more complicated "Custom" but should Custom honestly be used no matter what?
Thank you, in advance, to anyone that could lend some insight.