Thanks for the discussion and thoughts. After some discussion with SWMBO, we realized that while we both would kind of like to have an SUV from time to time, neither of us is really interested in driving one as our principal vehicle. We both like sporty cars - we were both assuming that the other would drive it for the work commute, LOL. Scratch the SUV.
I was impressed with the quietness of the Terrain. Looking under the hood, they used some premium sound insulation which is supposed to be used throughout the body panels as well as having the noise cancellation unit.
My take is I never received the new timing belt! The shop I use is pretty good. I'd be suprised if they asked, but I guess they might try. I'll let you know.
What sucks is the adjuster is low balling me on the car. His price is probably reasonable, except I am a perfectionist and keep my stuff in excellent shape. For that I lose! I drove the same car (Ford Focus - when it was made in Germany) today at CarMax priced at twice the settlement price ($5000) with half the miles of mine - it rattled, whistled and shuddered.
I think I can dispute some of their assessment assumptions, but we are realistically talking $500 if I am lucky.
If anyone knows good strategy for this, I'm listening!