I'm upgrading to 5.1 sound, building on my existing KEF 104s. My primary listening concern is music, but I will evolve to a home theater. My audio guy is recommending that I use dipole speakers. Would this be the best choice to just listen to music, as well. The audio guy says (and I tend to agree) that it's better to listen to most CDs/records in the two channel they were they were designed to be heard rather than to run additional speakers in surround mode. For music that is in 5.1 sound (e.g. Dual Disc), he argues that most engineers will assume dipole surrounds.
Bottom line- for listening to 5.1 audio, would the dipoles be fine, or would "regular" speakers be somehow better?
For what differenc it makes, the audio guy is recommending B&W, they I haven't looked at it closely enough in terms of model numbers.