Hello all,
Ok, here is a once-over of my equipment. I have a newish (2006) Samsung CRT tv and a Sony DVD Recorder about the same age. I recently cancelled my cable so I am on antenna-only channels now. My DVD recorder does not come with a tuner, so I used to use an old VCR simply as a tuner for the DVD recorder.
However, that bit the dust so I got a converter box to act as the tuner. Keep in mind that this worked fine. But then I got the bright idea of using my tv's AV Out connection to my DVD recorder so that I didn't even need that converter.
So far that hasn't been sucessful. I have my digital rabbit ears on top of the tv connected to the coaxial input on the tv. I then have the AV Out connected to the DVD's AV In, and the DVD's AV Out connected to the tv's AV In. All of these are connected with composite (RCA) cables. What happens is that when I switch my tv to AV1 input, the picture is frozen on the screen and then starts to repeat itself up the screen with an increasingly loud humming sound, almost like something is stuck in an infinite loop.
I figured that since the AV Out on the tv was composite-only, I might be lucky enough to have a down-converter built into the tv, negating the need for the converter box. From the results, I may not have been lucky. Does anyone have any ideas? Is this a hardware issue or should I try something else?
My DVD recorder is slowly going senile anyway. Most of the time it has disk errors on DVDs it itself recorded, and then you have to repeatedly load the DVD until eventually it will accept it and be fine. It also feels the need to write lead-out on the disks when you try to open the tray, even if you were only playing them, not recording them.
Thanks for any help!