I'm bought two 10'' Infinity Reference Subwoofers and two custom boxes. I'm putting one in my vehicle and one on my reciever if possible. My friend plugs his subwoofer into his left or right speaker plug on his old reciever and he runs one speaker and the subwoofer and it sounds pretty good.
We pluged it into my reciever and it seems as though it can't power it. On my reciever it has two sets of speakers, A and B, I have my two good speakers hooked up to my A and nothing on the B. When I hooked up the Subwoofer to the left speaker on B, my left speaker ran and the subwoofer played like crap.
Kenwood Reciever
Model KR-2600
If I use my Alpine 3522 amp I'll be able to power it. Any Ideas are good, or you can just tell me I'm an idiot and to get a real reciever.