What happens is depending on your setup and crossover, your mains AND sub have the potential to play the same frequencies, which (because of the behavior of low freqs) WILL interact with each other before they reach the LP. Somewhat of a (bad) analogy would be subs compared to a very wide spray on a hoze nozzle and tweeters like a very narrow beam spray, both aimed at the LP. This is why tweeters should be ear level, since the sound would actually shoot right over your head of they are too high. Anyway, people have different opinions on this topic of phase, and sub/mains overlapping. My opinion is this: having full range speakers is like having MORE subs in your room, so why would you ever want to NOT use them? (example would be set the to SMALL in receiver settings, and let sub only handle low freqs) My reasoning is that by having them set to large, you get better room response (even out the bass reponse in the room). Now, in my 2.1 setup, if I sit on the couch opposite the speakers (the LP), and change the phase (within the receiver, not the sub, since both mine are 0 or 180 so it doesnt matter), I noticed a considerable different (increase) when it is at 180. Now, this 'increase' may not be for everyone... Hope this helps a bit.