Soccerkid830: You rock. So, I can plug an audio cable into either output? The bottom one is labeled "Mono" ... does that make a difference?
The receiver manual says ... "If you have a powered subwoofer (which I do), connect these jacks to the line-level inputs on the subwoofer. The same fullrange signal is output through both jacks. Thus, you have the option of
connecting each jack to the line-level input on a separate subwoofer, or
to use these full-range outputs to feed a remote room in a distributedaudio
application. If you have only one subwoofer with a single line-level
input, connect it to the right Subwoofer Output on the HK 3390."
But there is not a right and left output. The outputs are in a vertical row, so there is one on top and one on bottom.
Also, the subwoofer has it's own power off feature. Therefore, should I use the receiver's link switch, or not?