On page 22 of the manual, it shows the menu that allows you to set the receiver up to use a subwoofer. You need to tell the receiver that you have a subwoofer connected.
Page 45 begins the menu explanations for setting up your speakers to large or small, setting up bass direction for LFE content (from Dolby Digital and DTS soundtracks), and for setting the crossover for the sub.
Page 56 contains the troubleshooting section on no sound coming from the subwoofer. It explains some situations and settings that could lead to that and how to fix it.
Because the receiver is doing the bass management and handling the crossover frequency, you'll want to turn the crossover frequency dial on the sub (if it has one - I'll check on that next) to the highest number. That way, assuming that number is higher than the number that you set in the receiver, the crossover in the sub won't be interfering with the signal being sent to the sub. That sub might also have an LFE input that bypasses the crossover. I'll check on that, though.
EDIT: You can download a copy of the owner's manual for the receiver at this link
here. Just go to the "Downloads" tab.