So rhe receiver's sub out is an LFE and is amp'd and the crossover is set by the min, 5, 10...max setting on the receiver, I believe. So you're saying I can run the receiver's sub out speaker cable into the KLH subs high level (right or left +/-) and then adjust the KLH's crossover and/or gain - what should I set the crossover to? So both the receiver and the KLH would be amping the sub, and is that ok? Sorry, just a bit confused. I don't want to turn off the sub at the receiver, and run the mains through the sub and back to the mains, as suggsted, if I can help it, and your solution sounds like what I'm thinking - sub speaker wire from receiver into KLH sub high level input - just don't want to damage anything. Thanks for the help and advice, much appreciated!!