subwoofer cable signal flow question



Hi Cabling Experts:
Question on subwoofer cable and "signal flow":

Currently I am framing a room in my house for home theater. I have finished running all speaker wire and after finishing off routing my last speaker cable: a Monster subwoofer cable (about 7' run) from receiver position to corner of room where sub will be located.
Once I was complete I looked at the cable and noticed a "signal flow >>>" notation on the cable.
Naturally as as you have guessed by now I reversed the cable - the signal flow as it stands now would be from sub to receiver. I have never heard of "signal flow" before - is this really a big deal, will it affect sound/performance??. I can fix this with about 2 hours work (drywall, tape and sand, repeat as needed...) but I'd rather not to be honest.

Question - does signal flow direction matter with sub cable, do I need to reverse the cable as currently installed??



Audioholic Overlord
It's an AC signal, dude. It flows equally both ways.

All that arrow should mean is that perhaps one side of the shield is lifted from the ground and the arrow would indicate the grounded side.

Odds are it won't matter though.


Thanks Markw

I knew there was nothing special about the cable used, could not figure out why signal flow would matter...

The only thing I could come up with was that some Monster cable marketing guy figured if you put "signal flow > >" on the cable you could charge 50% more for the same thing.
Seems to be working if that was the plan.

Thanks again

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