I wouldnt recommend it for anyone.
I dont care what you do, sounds are going to travel between the 2 and impede the other speaker clarity of what actually it would be sounding like. Making it muddy would be my thought.
I'm not one thats gullible to power cords, interconnects, wire sizing, amp types etc that all make major differences in sound. But one day, when bored and irritated in the fact my towers kept leaning different directions making them not square to walls etc I added the free floor spikes that came with the towers. I thought those as well too were pretty much gimmicks, but my Father always said minimal contact with the floor does make differences. Well DAM, it was very straight forward evidently different and wasnt mind control, those things cleaned the sound up. My 13 year old daughter asked me if I had changed speakers and got new ones it was so obvious. SO I wouldn't put on on top the other!!