Thanks, guys. It's pretty unfortunate that there really aren't very many out there. I've been trying to get my hands on a DBX XB140 on eBay for awhile now, and I was just wondering what my other options are. Obvioulsy, they're limited, and of all those amps, the XB140 looks like the only one I'd want, really. The NHT amps aren't stereo and the others are either too powerful/too expensive for me to justify buying. I have a DBX sw-15 which is actually pretty sweet, and I wanted a separate amp to power it or even car subwoofers for my room. I guess that the sw-15 is almost not designed for use with a subwoofer amp because of its crossover design. Hell, I have a couple of Rockford Punch HE 8 inchers in a box that are being replaced in my truck by one Polk db10. It would be pretty sweet to use those in my house with that amp.
I WILL have an XB140 one of these days!