Thoughts from an ASW600 owner
I've owned the B&W ASW600 for almost 2 years now, and have regretted the purchase for almost a year and a half. But lately it's really put a smile on my face. The main reason for my displeasure was a lack of tactile bass. My previous two listening positions either involved setting on a futon or single chair, however with the addition of a leather couch everything has changed ...the tactile bass I've been missing is now there and I am content for now. (I know this sounds like a load crap, but it’s true)
So what am I really saying? Well, the ASW600 is a solid performer within its specified frequency range when placed in smaller volume rooms; however it does not represent the best performance to price ratio. It you really want the most boom for your buck I would take a serious look at the offerings from SVS or HSU.
In short the ASW600 is a good sub, but I would not label it as exceptional.