Yeah sorry Tommy, what Mark said right. That "Dream" system is meant to work only with the components that it came with as a package. I would look into what ohm rating that the speakers are. Most of the time they are rated at 2ohms or 3ohms. If this is the case then I would NOT recommend hooking them up to the Denon. You could damage the Denon because it is designed for speakers with an 8ohm rating. A 6ohm speaker would probably be ok on the Denon but anything 4ohms & under can & will eventually overload the amps.
Do yourself a big favor & look into some decent entry level speakers & sub. You will get WAY MORE performance & you won't risk damage to your new receiver. Look into:
Infinity Primus speakers (low cost, huge performance)
HSU HB-1 bookshelf speakers (amazing sound for $150ea)
Pioneer SB series (designed by Andrew Jones, have no right to sound as good as they do for the $)
Premier Acoustics PA-120 or PA-150
These are just a few examples of low cost (relative) speakers & subs that sound fantastic for their price. Even take the price out of the equation & you still have a great sounding home theater!!!
Sorry but it's never a good idea to pair a real home theater receiver with a HTIB system. They aren't meant to work with eachother & you could do damage.
...welcome to home theater!!!