Ever since I swiched from Verizon (CDMA) to Cingular (GSM), my subwoofer has been picking up interference, even when the audio cable is removed. From what I can gather this is "normal".
Unfortunately, what doesn't seem normal is that I get interference even when the phone is on the other side of the room (10+ feet away). I'm not sure, but I'm guessing that due to the poor cell coverage I have at home, the phone (a Treo650) is increasing it's power to compensate and its enough for the subwoofer to pick up (even though I have a shielded cable). It seems that the internal electronics or powercable are picking up the signal.
Anyone know of a decent (say under $500 for an 8") subwoofer which is shielded? The only shielded subwoofers I've been able to find are for computer systems, not home theater. Or some trick to shield my subwoofer short of wrapping it in aluminum foil?
Unfortunately, switching back to Verizon isn't an option...