Hi all, I am new to this stuff so please be nice, lol, thanks
I just bought a new Onkyo receiver TX-SR506, new JBL tower speakers and a JBL 10" sub. Model of the sub is vensub10.
Problem is I can't get the sub to come on with the auto on/off feature, and if I force it on and then turn it to auto it will go off after 10min, which I understand is normal if it's not receiving enough LFE signal. I have it hooked up using the single RCA cord that came with it, plugged into the Onkyo in the Sub Pre Out, then plugged into the back of sub in the LFE port.
When I play FM radio or use my Ipod the sub won't play at all. I went into the Onkyo settings and set the tower speakers to Small, then turned up the crossover to 100, then turned up the sub to 0db in the Onkyo receiver settings and still nothing works, turned the settings back to the way the auto setup had them and still no sound from sub. Now when I did the auto setup the Onkyo did recognize the sub, did all that testing noise etc.. I even made sure in the settings the Onkyo showed the Sub setting "On".
Now on to playing a movie. My DVD player is currently hooked up to the back of the TV, I am not using any of the pass through stuff on the receiver. DVD player is hooked up with Svideo and L/R RCA's. Then I have a Optical cord going from the TV into the Onkyo. Sound works but still no sub sound. Turned the setting on the DVD player to 2.1 Dolby and still nothing. Is this because I need to use a different audio setup from the DVD player to the TV? My DVD player has Digital Coax, no optical though.
With all this info do you think it's just my setup or is there a problem with the sub and or receiver? Is FM radio and Ipod supposed to kick on the sub, or only with audio sources x.1 etc..? If this is true then do I just need to hook up the DVD player differently, Dig Coax cable etc...? If I do it this way will there be a problem having the Dig Coax from the DVD player coming into the TV and then a Optical cable going out from the TV to the Onkyo?
I am really worried something is wrong with the receiver mostly, want to exchange it before 30 days if so. Just FYI, sub works all the time if I turn the power setting to "On" instead of "auto", but I shouldn't have to do this right...?