I'm pretty torn between these subs at the moment. my budget is $200ish, $250 TOPS.
- Premier Acoustic PA-120W 12" $213 shipped
- LavaSub LSP10 10" $209 shipped
- Bic Formula F-12 12" $187 shipped (this used to be the H100 I think?)
- Bic V-1220 12" down firing sub, $167 shipped. (supposed to be a bit tighter than the F12)
- Acoustic Audio HD-SUB12 12" $189 shipped
I'm expecting a lot from a sub since my Klipsch satellites have poor lows and start at 120Hz, so I'm gonna need a high crossover. I've heard the BIC's don't have good highs and are kinda boomy. Unsure about the Lava and PA-120. the Lava has poor <30Hz i know that much but they are tight/punchy.
I'm mainly looking for a tight/punchy/accurate sub for music, preferably sealed, for a 13x11 room 132sq feet with carpet and a lot of furniture.
Does anyone have a suggestion for one of these or something else? I'm leaning on the PA-120 for $220 shipped which is not a bad deal I think.