Sub Decision: SVS PB1000 versus Velodyne Impact 12


neil jackson


am in the market for a fairly basic sub. At my budget level I could get either, though the Velodyne is $100.00 more (in New Zealand).

Given that it will be used 100% for home theatre, in an average size room would you agree that the SVS is the way to go?




Audioholic General
The SVS should walk all over the Velodyne. I doubt that Velodyne will do much below 28-30hz. While the SVS is comfortable to 20hz. Plus it's a $100.00 cheaper.


Not sure about down in New Zealand but SVS offers a 45 test drive ;)
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neil jackson

Hi and thank you all for your replies.

From a quick look at the specs for both subs the SVS appears to be significantly more powerful.

am I right on that?


I had to look, the Velodyne specs were hard to find compared to the spec for the SVS :rolleyes:
Looking at the info below the Vel. looks to be more inline with entry level subs like my old Bic F12

SVS PB1000

19-270 Hz +/- 3 dB
300 watts (720 watts peak dynamic)
Weight (unboxed): 46 pounds

Velodyne Impact 12
29 Hz to 140 Hz
165 watts (275 watts peak dynamic)
Weight (unboxed): 35 pounds
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Audioholic Slumlord
Judging audio product by specs is not an easy task.

For example:
19 Hz to 140 Hz is very likely much worse than 22-100Hz +/- 1dB

Oh yea, SVS easily walks over the velodyne.
If I'd to find closest completion to pb1000 is this one : VTF-2 MK4 Subwoofer
It's a bit more versatile for usage and placement, but I still bet SVS has more raw power

and this one:
Outlaw Audio LFM-1 Plus Powered Subwoofer


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Judging audio product by specs is not an easy task.

For example:
19 Hz to 140 Hz is very likely much worse than 22-100Hz +/- 1dB

Oh yea, SVS easily walks over the velodyne.
If I'd to find closest completion to pb1000 is this one : VTF-2 MK4 Subwoofer
It's a bit more versatile for usage and placement, but I still bet SVS has more raw power

and this one:
Outlaw Audio LFM-1 Plus Powered Subwoofer
I would guess both the VTF2 and LFM Plus are higher performers than the PB1000. Outlaw claims that the LFM-1 Plus performs similarly to the EX except 4 dB less output. SVS claims that the PB1000 is 3 dB down in deep bass with respect to the PB12 NSD but not as much in upper bass. When you compare the LFM-1 EX to the PB12 NSD, the EX has a pretty healthy lead except for around the tuning point. I would bet that the LFM Plus is more on the level of the NSD, and I think the same would be true of the VTF2.


Audioholic Slumlord
I would guess both the VTF2 and LFM Plus are higher performers than the PB1000. Outlaw claims that the LFM-1 Plus performs similarly to the EX except 4 dB less output. SVS claims that the PB1000 is 3 dB down in deep bass with respect to the PB12 NSD but not as much in upper bass. When you compare the LFM-1 EX to the PB12 NSD, the EX has a pretty healthy lead except for around the tuning point. I would bet that the LFM Plus is more on the level of the NSD, and I think the same would be true of the VTF2.
Exactly, my point
While Velo is unanimously out of the race, HSU/Outlaw are very close contenders.
My educated guess VTF2 is on par (or close), while LFM Plus with it's larger driver might have a output power advantage ...
The choice has to be dependent on OP's room size


Audioholic Ninja
One other player to consider is the Rythmik LV12R which is a strong contender in the sub $600 range.

neil jackson

hi and thanks for your replies.

unfortunately the other subs you all mentioned are not available in NZ.

will stick with SVS

not sure if I should consider spending an extra $300 and get the PB12-NSD


Audioholic Ninja
The PB12-NSD gets you another 3db down low. Whether that's worth another $300 is up to you.


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