StudioTech DP-2 Plasma Stand Review

<A href=""><IMG style="WIDTH: 125px; HEIGHT: 97px" alt=[StudioTechDP2] hspace=10 src="" align=left border=0></A>When you get that piece of upgraded equipment you’ve always wanted there’s typically that follow-up feeling of "man, that makes my old furniture look really bad!" It has certainly happened to me on several occasions. When I first went from a 32-inch CRT to a flat panel display I wasn’t simply content to use the same furniture to house my newly acquired piece of equipment. StudioTech is no stranger to Audioholics, and we were able to take a closer look at their DP-2 line of AV component racks. This stand works well in a corner, but also looks great when placed against a flat wall. When we took a quick peek at the specs it surprised us in that it seemed to be very "roomy" for equipment but maintained a low profile that didn’t dominate the room.

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Senior Audioholic
Broken link to second page.

btw: When I get an upgrade, my first thought is not "Let's buy furniture," it's "What should I upgrade next."
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Looks like a nice piece of furniture.

Clint, when you review a piece like this, I have to imagine it takes a good part of a morning to assemble it, check it out, and disassemble it. It seems like a lot of work. Do these mfg.'s as a whole usually allow you to keep these furniture products in exchange for a review due to al the labor involved in setting them up? Or is the compensation simply future advertising dollars?
Fixed the link.

With AV hardware, we send everything back or on occasion buy it for accommodation pricing if we really like it.

With furniture reviews, it's gone both ways. Some manufacturers don't want the hassle of shipping it back, especialy if it weighs over 100 pounds and gets assembled, so we give away the furniture locally or buy it at accommodation if one of us wants to keep it. Other manufacturers will pay return shipping, so we pack it up and have them send a truck to get it.

It's tough to do furniture reviews - this stuff isn't easy to set up and take down on a regular basis so we spread them out over time.

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