Back in my years at the worlds biggest telecom company,(big whoop)

I've had many conversations with supervisors and Project managers about the reasons for outsourcing work
to India, and workers
from India. (or other countries)
The two biggest reasons were #1. Financial, and #2 was to combat Grade Inflation.
With the dawning of the age in America where almost anyone & everyone got accepted into college regardless of I.Q., thanks to lowered standards. (Unfortunately similar to the lowering of mortgage standards forced by Congress and the recent debacle)
It's just a simple fact, as all people aren't cut out for the responsibilities of a mortgage and home ownership; likewise all are not intellectually cut out to succeed in college. (unless standards are lowered)
In a nutshell, with money being the first and biggest component; the ability to outsource and get a worker that truly got a 4,0 GPA and not a 3.0 trumped up to a 4.0 was simply icing on the cake.
Search 'Grade Inflation' for more info:
Here's one: