
I'm seriously contemplating buying a stereo pre-amp for dedicated 2 channel listening. would prefer not to spend over 1500, but willing to pay more if the sound quality is a marked improvement over less expensive pre-amps. for those who have a stereo pre-amp, what do you recommend? rest of system is RF-7 speakers, cary audio DVD6, denon 2910 (for sacd), current amp is B&K ref 125.2, but that is potentially subject to change. any suggestions?


Audioholic Samurai
indcrimdefense said:
I'm seriously contemplating buying a stereo pre-amp for dedicated 2 channel listening. would prefer not to spend over 1500, but willing to pay more if the sound quality is a marked improvement over less expensive pre-amps. for those who have a stereo pre-amp, what do you recommend? rest of system is RF-7 speakers, cary audio DVD6, denon 2910 (for sacd), current amp is B&K ref 125.2, but that is potentially subject to change. any suggestions?
.....a used McIntosh Solid-State Pre-Amp is hard to beat....as with any used equipment, have it checked out fully by a reputable local shop when received.....


Seriously, I have no life.
indcrimdefense said:
I'm seriously contemplating buying a stereo pre-amp for dedicated 2 channel listening. would prefer not to spend over 1500, but willing to pay more if the sound quality is a marked improvement over less expensive pre-amps. for those who have a stereo pre-amp, what do you recommend? rest of system is RF-7 speakers, cary audio DVD6, denon 2910 (for sacd), current amp is B&K ref 125.2, but that is potentially subject to change. any suggestions?

Try the Morrison E.L.A.D. The Audio Critic did some testing of it a few years ago. Super specs. FR 15Hz - 40kHz 0.00. Was $790 back in 2001:D
Not sure if they are still made but


Junior Audioholic
My favorite preamp, and actualy my cheapest equipment investment, is my McCormack Micro Line Drive with some minor upgrades by Steve McCormack. The only bad thing is that it doesn't have a remote. Any of the McCormack preamps (old and new) are nice and can be found for pretty cheap on the used market. My other recent investment is a Minimax Tube Preamp. I haven't owned a tube piece of equipment in quite a while and its alot of fun to tweak with different tubes. I've had some other SS preamps, but none sounded as good as the McCormack.


last night i picked up a demo B&K Reference 5 S2 stereo pre-amp, currently powered by B&K Reference 125.2 S2 amp, and using Cary Audio DVD6 for redbook cd & dvd & Denon 2910 for sacd. the B&K components provide a very clean sound, with alot of detail. the pre-amp really opens up music, particularly sacd or high quality redbook recordings. i picked up some great cds over the weekend; dvorak no 8 & no 9 symphony from seraphim classics, and bruckner symphony no 4 from decca/legends, which both sound fantastic.
dave brubeck's time out sacd also sounds fantastic. if i only listened to classical & jazz, this would be a great system. however, some source material came across far too bright, and it's not the best for female vocals, which i often find the hardest to reproduce. while my klipsch rf-7 speakers at times make this task more difficult, i have found equipment which reproduces fantastic female vocals with my speakers, so it's more finding ther proper match than just the speakers alone.

generally i would recommend the B&K pre-amp & amp combo, particularly for someone who has speakers less prone to a bright presentation, and would highly recommend it someone who primarily listens to jazz or classical. it's not the best system i have ever heard, but it's near the best i have heard for the price (pre-amp msrp is about 800, and same for the amp). SACD playback is very good, and nice to have tone controls for SACD which my denon 2805 lacks. i had the amp hooked to my receiver before getting the pre-amp, and while the amp is not as clean and detailed as others i have used (cary audio cinema 5 and particularly the krell showcase 5) its a very good amp for it's price point. i am quite curious how the pre-amp would sound in companion with a better amp.

the pre-amp allows for instant switching between sources, so has been fun comparing & contrasting my cary dvd player & my denon 2910. the denon also has 2 sets of L&R terminals, one for cd & one for multi-channel sound, which has allowed a fun comparison between various interconnects. a rare feature these days is a loudness function, which the purists may scoff at, but it's very useful for night time listening or for use in an office environment where you can't crank it up. the loudness function also allows for some fun if you want to shake the house. for certain cd's, i preferred the loudness on, for others it was simply way over the top, but a nice feature to have available in my opinion.

still unsure whether i will purchase either the pre-amp and or the amp. the amp made a nice addition to my denon 2805 for powering the front speakers, and did make a noticeable difference. i wasn't necessarily looking for a 2 channel amp, but when the opportunity to demo one came up, and as i had never heard B&K components outside the store, i couldn't pass it up. i would highly recommend the amp at this price point.

one nice feature of both B&K components is XLR connections between the pre-amp & amp. have never used a XLR connection before, but going to pick up some cables today to see what it sounds like.

overall i would give the B&K components a strong recommendation, good quality, great value for the money, and would highly recommend to someone for classical & jazz listening with non-klipsch speakers. the pre-amp also is a great tool for comparing & contrasting various different components & interconnects to see if there is any difference in sound quality.


Audioholic Ninja
My dad has an old B&K ST-202+. It's a great amp. They fixed it for free even far after the warranty expired, so customer service is up there too. If you're interested in the purist approach, you might want to try at some point (maybe not now with your budget), the offerings from RE Designs. The owner/designer, Dan Banquer, posts here often, so he would be the best to talk to about his stuff.

Edit: Audioholics Review.


Audioholic Ninja
mtrycrafts said:
Try the Morrison E.L.A.D. The Audio Critic did some testing of it a few years ago. Super specs. FR 15Hz - 40kHz 0.00. Was $790 back in 2001
Any chance we could get a link to this article? I am really interested in putting together a dedicated 2Ch listening room (notice signature). Cheers and thanks in advance.


If you are going to do a 2ch setup and as long as you don't have more than 3 or 4 sources a McIntosh C-28 is a wonderful choice, these can be had on e-bay for around 500. Great units.


Seriously, I have no life.
agarwalro said:
Any chance we could get a link to this article? I am really interested in putting together a dedicated 2Ch listening room (notice signature). Cheers and thanks in advance.

I didn't browse the Morrison web site. They may have it up there. The mag is not on line as Stereophile. A back issue?

Issues 25 and 27 has a write up on it.


Audioholic Samurai
mtrycrafts said:
Try the Morrison E.L.A.D.
Mtrycrafts recommending audiophile hardware?!?!?!

OMG, it's the apocolypse!




Audioholic Slumlord
WmAx said:
Mtrycrafts recommending audiophile hardware?!?!?!

OMG, it's the apocolypse!


Chris, don't you think him and Mule are almost becoming more agreeable by the day? It's good to see this happening.


Seriously, I have no life.
WmAx said:
Mtrycrafts recommending audiophile hardware?!?!?!

OMG, it's the apocolypse!



Well, it is half his budgeted target:D An excellent product from the specs, and he had a straight forward question. I remembered that preamp, looked it up and the rest is history.


Seriously, I have no life.
PENG said:
Chris, don't you think him and Mule are almost becoming more agreeable by the day? It's good to see this happening.

Well, the posters don't ask difficult questions or claims that need response. They are looking for preferences :D


Full Audioholic
indcrimdefense said:
I'm seriously contemplating buying a stereo pre-amp for dedicated 2 channel listening. would prefer not to spend over 1500, but willing to pay more if the sound quality is a marked improvement over less expensive pre-amps. for those who have a stereo pre-amp, what do you recommend? rest of system is RF-7 speakers, cary audio DVD6, denon 2910 (for sacd), current amp is B&K ref 125.2, but that is potentially subject to change. any suggestions?
Parasound Halo A23 and P3...nuff said. 125ch@8ohm...list for both amp and preamp, $1650! Can be had for less via internet sales or a local dealer I'm sure. Go to Parasound site and read reviews. In fact, read some reviews of the Halo series here at Aholics. I heard this set with some entry level B&W speakers, modest $299 dvd/cd player and was blown away. I'm talking raise the hair on you neck, arms, tingling sensation not often experienced in any system regardless of price!


Audioholic Samurai
mnnc said:
Parasound Halo A23 and P3...nuff said. 125ch@8ohm...list for both amp and preamp, $1650! Can be had for less via internet sales or a local dealer I'm sure. Go to Parasound site and read reviews. In fact, read some reviews of the Halo series here at Aholics. I heard this set with some entry level B&W speakers, modest $299 dvd/cd player and was blown away. I'm talking raise the hair on you neck, arms, tingling sensation not often experienced in any system regardless of price!
.....but, was a gorgeous blonde blowing in your ear at the same time?......


Full Audioholic
mulester7 said:
.....but, was a gorgeous blonde blowing in your ear at the same time?......
...had she been it would have taken a millisecond for me to be distracted from what my other ear was enjoying.:D


after having the B&K pre-amp & amp for a week, it's getting harder to have to pack these up & take back to the store. picked up a set of XLR interconnects earlier this week, and have switched back & forth between XLR & RCA all week, and have had the B&K components hooked up to a number of components and in several set up positions in 2 different rooms. best sound was with cary audio dvd6 or denon 2910, with caveat that 2910 was only used for sacd, and swapped out my rf-7 speakers for my rf-5 speakers, which have a lower noise floor. had a very noticeable hum out of the rf-7's which is not present when using the rf-5 speakers. with the rf-5 there is only a very quiet noise that you have to put your ear to the tweeter to detect. using the rf-5 speakers this is a very good set up, and would give it a highly recommended using the rf-5 speakers, for any type of music, from classical to jazz to what is currently playing, death cab for cutie's john byrd ep. the rf-5 does lack some of the rf-7 punch, but the B&K components have a great sound for the money. for those looking for a 2 channel system this is a nice choice, it's clearly a step up in sound quality from my denon 2805/2910 combo for 2 channel music. also having tone controls for sacd playback is a fantastic feature, but one i can also get out of the denon for stereo sacd by running the 2910 into the cd inputs rather than the ext in inputs. compared to the denon components, the B&K has much better seperation, vocals from the music, and particularly the mid's from the highs & the lows. not sure that i'm going to keep the B&K gear, but it has little to do with the quality of the B&K components, as i'm still contemplating whether to have a separate 2 channel system or put the money back into having a single system. thanks to all for the input, and hopefully my comments have helped others who are also disappointed with the 2 channel sound they get out of their AV systems.


Audioholic Samurai
indcrimdefense said:
and have switched back & forth between XLR & RCA all week
.....anything to report on that?.....


Junior Audioholic
jaxvon said:
My dad has an old B&K ST-202+. It's a great amp. They fixed it for free even far after the warranty expired, so customer service is up there too. If you're interested in the purist approach, you might want to try at some point (maybe not now with your budget), the offerings from RE Designs. The owner/designer, Dan Banquer, posts here often, so he would be the best to talk to about his stuff.

Edit: Audioholics Review.
Did B&K ever start doing their own designs, or are they still ripping other people off? :)

I've never heard Dan's amps, but I know they're built like tanks and he has taken great care to make sure they're the best they can be.

NAD and Parasound might be worth considering if you're on a budget.

I use products from Audio by Van Alstine. I've been a customer of Frank's for over 20 years...


Audioholic Chief
I'm also looking for a pre-amp but with a budget $500 less than yours. The parasound Halo P-3 is on my short list for MSRP of $800. It has balanced outputs in case you have a run of more than 20 feet to the amplifier(s). I believe some like to place their amplifiers very close to the speakers.

Any other reccomendations for a pre-amp that matchs well with a Bryston 2b-lp for less tha 1K? The MCintosh used idea sounds interesting. I've never known anyone wealthy enough for Mcintosh as their products cost 10,000 or more when new.

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