A noob questions here. I have the following setup:
Polk Monitor 70 series II – Front left and right
Polk CS2 – center
Energy LCR Flat Panel speakers - surrounds
Polk In-ceiling rear surrounds
BIC F12 subwoofer
Pioneer VSX 1021-K AVR
Room size: 20 feet X 19 feet
I recently added the Polk Monitors and CS2, the rest of the setup is over two years old. The Monitors and CS2, I think sound really great.
The question I have is, is the Pioneer VSX 1021-K powerful enough to drive the new setup. I crank up the volume often, and use the system for about 70% to watch movies, 30% for music.
Should I upgrade to a receiver with more power say a Pioneer VSX 1121, Or, along with the VSX 1121 buy a 3 or 5 channel amplifier – say an Emotiva XPA3/XPA5 or one of the Crown or Behringer’s.
I am not a audioholic, but I have read other forums which say, as the receiver drives more speakers at higher volumes, the sound quality decreases.
Reason to upgrade would be to maintain/increase the sound quality and also not hurt my speakers.
Please kindly recommend any AVR or AVR/Amplifier combination. Overall budget for the upgrade would be about $1100.