This is for those who have thought about purchasing this player.
Unfortuneatly I'm passed my 30 days for a refund. And I'm having some major issues with this player.
1. Just like everyone has mentioned, you have to push each button on the remote a few times for the player to respond. I mean a few!
2. Some movies won't play right. Sometimes the player has problems reading the dvd and Im forced to power the player off and back on for it to work. And sometimes this won't work. So im forced to watch the movie on my PC.
3. Cheaply built! Player is extremely light. Feels very cheap.
PQ= The dvd's that play, look quite impressive on 1080i (using HDMI). However, on 480p or 720p the PQ is horrible. Extremely grainy.
I haven't bothered calling Toshiba about the difficulty the player is having reading some of my brand new dvd's, because paying for the shipping IMO is not even worth it. I have already thrown away $170 + $30 for the dvi adapter,and I dont feel like throwing away anymore.
Im gonna go ahead and order a Denon dvd player with upconversion, which is what I should have done in the first place.
Sorry guys, just had to vent... I feel much better now..