I just got back from a visit to RBH Sound where they showed me a new speaker system from their high end Status Acoustics Division.
This is a prototype design as you can see by the rear cables in the port, mock up crossover and unfinished cabinet. Though they werent quite ready for prime time, my preliminary listening sessions were most impressive (report coming soon). They don't come cheap (approximately $50k/pair in arylic finish and premium drivers) they are certainly the finest loudspeaker system I have yet to hear and I am sure they will create quite a bang at CES next year!
Standing as tall as me and at almost double my weight (400lbs+) they are quite an impressive sight! Best of all their high efficient design (>95dB SPL @ 1 meter) doesn't require a monster amp to drive them to high output, though they can certainly handle any amp you can throw at them with a flourish. We are looking forward to reviewing the finalized version of this soon to be flagship product.