By the way, it looks great in HD, though I wish that they had not "updated" some of the special effects. Some of these are fairly unobtrusive, but others are obvious CGI add-ons that look totally out of place, drawing attention to themselves and destroying the gloriously kitschy ambiance. Frankly, it makes me want to buy the show in the remastered DVD version, as that one, I believe, has the original special effects. Too bad companies can't leave "classic" science fiction alone and feel compelled to merge an old film with new effects that are stylistically out of place. I find the argument that they would have put those new effects in originally if they were making it now very uncompelling, as they would also have different sets, different costumes, different dialog, and different actors, too, if they were making it now. If they must redo them, I wish they would just do a remake and let those of us who wish to view the original see the original in its original glory.