Picked this one up last week. It was on sale at Amazon, so I had Frys price match it because I already had a credit there. It is pretty fun, but it is nearly the same as the previous one just with updated graphics. There are a few cool additions (new characters, additional gear, flying suit), a LOT more options and places to snowboard, but the gameplay still feels the same as the last one on the PS2. That's a good and bad thing. It is easy to pick up and play to previous players, but so far it doesn't quite push the boundary to make it feel totally fresh. Online competition has added a whole new level of gameplay though, and does a somewhat better job than Skate did (and Skate wasn't bad). I didn't really have a reason to pick it up until my brother said he had it already, so we can play against each other live. The demo is out on PSN, so give it a try. If you haven't played any of the previous ones, the learning curve to get the hang of it can be relatively steep though. Even as a veteran of the series (I own all of them on PS2), the new trick system is a little harder to put up big scores with. Fortunately, the difficulty starting out is also very manageable to get through the main game.
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