SR8015 vs. A6A at same price..?




Usage: Movies/Music 50/50

not a gamer, don't need hdmi 2.1
neither has Dirac so that doesn't matter.

existing speakers 5.1 PSB Image + 2 Pairs of Image for overheads Atmos/Auro3D.

no chance to demo where I live, but an order via a dealer.

at same price which is Sonically better ?



Audioholic Slumlord

Usage: Movies/Music 50/50

not a gamer, don't need hdmi 2.1
neither has Dirac so that doesn't matter.

existing speakers 5.1 PSB Image + 2 Pairs of Image for overheads Atmos/Auro3D.

no chance to demo where I live, but an order via a dealer.

at same price which is Sonically better ?

If you believe, like many people do, that there are audible differences between AVRs that have specs and measurements that indicate they are transparent, then there is no alternative to doing your own audition.

If you do believe in specs and measurements, then I would suggest you just choose based on the features you need, aesthetic, and price.

To me, the SR8015 wins on:

Room EQ/correction:
- Processing capability: 13 channel vs A6A's 11 channel
- Aesthetics: Highly subjective so ymmv.

The Yamaha wins on:
- Much better DAC specs, only slightly better than the SR8015 manufactured prior the spring of 2021 but much - better than those made after D+M switched to the PCM5102A DAC chip.
- Reportedly it runs cooler.
- Based on track record, it may be better in terms of reliability (no one knows for sure).
- Has an extra foot.:p Only a + for people prone to marketing hypes

So, to your question on "sonically":

1) If DSPs are not used, in a blind test, no one should be able to tell a difference between those 2.
2) If DSPs are used, for sure they will not sound the same, all else being equal, but it is not possible to say which one will sound better, only you can tell, because it is a 100% subjective thing.
*3) The Yamaha has an edge regardless, based on measurements if you use it with worthy external power amps.

*4) The Marantz has the edge if used as AVR, based on Gene's measurements of the A6A and the SR8015.

* 3) and 4) are theoretical, ie. on paper only, because either one's specs and measurements indicate in DBT, controlled listening tests, both are transparent enough such that normal humans will not be able to tell them apart under most normal listening conditions if and when both are not not push to near their output limits. Also, it is based on not using DSP functions, if used, it becomes a subjective matter, in that case, again, only the user can say which one is better sonically.

For me, if I were forced to choose one now, I would take the A6A, but only because I am OCD on DAC chips.
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Audioholic Samurai

I suggest reading this review as it does make some comparisions against the SR8015 as Peng Alluded to. As he stated in his comments, I doubt very highly you could tell the difference between the two even with the difference in DACS and it would be more a matter of personal preference.

At that price point I wouldn't get either and look at the Denon 4800h, its on sale now for less than both. I am 99% sure that you can disable all channels individually in preamp mode should you decide to use external amplification which will reduce heat. I am not sure on the SR8015 or the A6A on that feature. Heck Amazon has the older Denon 6700h for 1799 on sale now which is a great deal. I am just not a fan on the cosmetics, but that is just a personal preferance.


Audioholic Jedi
Marantz pros: Audyssey XT32, DEQ, Pure Direct LFE/Sub output

Yamaha pros: Newer model, 5YR Warranty, much better WiFi Remote and WiFi music streaming


Audioholic Spartan
How the music is delivered to the receiver matters. That info would be helpful. I think a new old stock, used or refurbished Denon X4700H will deliver the best bang for buck here if multiple 8K@60Hz/4K@120Hz HDMI ports are not a priority. Forget what you've heard about sonic differences. What matters more is user friendliness and compatibility with your music and movie delivery system. Any of the mentioned receivers will deliver signals to your speakers that will sound "sonically" good. But, one may be more fun than another to operate.



you are probably one of the few people to have extensively been able to test both the sr8015 and the a6a with 1st hand experience.

for 50/50 movie/music usage which one is better?

keeping aside the only 1 hdmi 2.1 input on the sr8015 on basis of just "SOUND QUALITY" which would you suggest at the same price and why?



Audioholic Slumlord
I am just being curious, so I have to ask, if 6 out of 10 people who had owned both tell you based on sound quality the A6A is their choice, would you then go with the A6A, being that your main priority is "sound quality". I know this is hypothetical, but it very possible that each have their fans and both avrs seem to be popular choices at their price point among those who car a lot about sound quality.

While I am interested in knowing what people have to say as well, but Is it not possible for you to audition both? It is your own ear/brain that counts in the end, I would think.... Given what I know now, my choice would have been neither, even though I had seriously considered the A6A before.


yes, difficulty to demo both especially with same speakers hence the query.

%/no. of people to have actually listened to both probably with same speakers would be less maybe 3.

Only person I know who's spent a considerable amount of time with both these products as he benchmarked and reviewed them is @gene

I'm sure he's busy bringing us awesome reviews, but does he reply to threads these days?


Audioholic Jedi
yes, difficulty to demo both especially with same speakers hence the query.

%/no. of people to have actually listened to both probably with same speakers would be less maybe 3.

Only person I know who's spent a considerable amount of time with both these products as he benchmarked and reviewed them is @gene

I'm sure he's busy bringing us awesome reviews, but does he reply to threads these days?
At the end of the day, everyone is going to think differently. So even if a few people prefer one over the other, it doesn't mean YOU will.

In general, I would go for the NEWEST model because the older models are probably outdated. You're buying this AVR to keep for hopefully the next 10+ years. So you don't want it to be outdated already.

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Audioholic Slumlord

Usage: Movies/Music 50/50

not a gamer, don't need hdmi 2.1
neither has Dirac so that doesn't matter.

existing speakers 5.1 PSB Image + 2 Pairs of Image for overheads Atmos/Auro3D.

no chance to demo where I live, but an order via a dealer.

at same price which is Sonically better ?

Good point, let's hope @gene see our posts.
I have to agree with @AcuDefTechGuy , if I were to choose a new AVR, I would wait for the successor of the A6A, or just grab the Cinema40 and bypass the aging 8015.


Audioholic Samurai
  • If you want DIRAC, go for Denon and you will have the option to upgrade
  • If you have to buy one now it really is a toss-up, except for the fact that the Yamaha is significantly less expensive for about the same features (Cinema 40 vs A6A)
  • I also agree, you are close enough to wait for the next model iteration
  • Don't get me wrong I love the porthole look on the Marantz, but I like $$ in my pocket more :)
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Audioholic Slumlord
  • If you want DIRAC, go for Denon and you will have the option to upgrade
  • If you have to buy one now it really is a toss-up, except for the fact that the Yamaha is significantly less expensive for about the same features (Cinema 40 vs A6A)
  • I also agree, you are close enough to wait for the next model iteration
  • Don't get me wrong I love the porthole look on the Marantz, but I like $$ in my pocket more :)
I don't mean to derail the thread, so just a quick note about Anthem's latest FW, version 80. I found out accidentally that after updating the ver. 80, my previous deep bass suck out issue is now gone. So you may want to do a ARCG re-run and may also have better deep bass response without tweaking. If you want more on this, pm me as again, don't want to derail OP's thread.


Audioholic Samurai
I don't mean to derail the thread, so just a quick note about Anthem's latest FW, version 80. I found out accidentally that after updating the ver. 80, my previous deep bass suck out issue is now gone. So you may want to do a ARCG re-run and may also have better deep bass response without tweaking. If you want more on this, pm me as again, don't want to derail OP's thread.
Derail away, this is useful, will be doing a re-run later tonight, that is good news!

  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis