I have a question about a set-up in order to A/B the pre/pro section of a B&K AVR-507 and an Outlaw 990.
I'd like to simply use splitters from the power amps to both pre/pro outputs at the same time.I figure that as long as I don't have them both powered up at the same time that there would be no problem.
I've used splitters at one pre/pro output to two amps but never two separate pre/pros to the same amps.
So the question is - is this safe to do? Would the amp read extra resistance from the (off) pre/pro and drop the impedance to an unsafe level? Or would something else unwanted occur?
The amps are Van Alstine 240/3 EX and B&K 1430 II.
Thanks for the advice. I'm sure the best way would be to go buy an A/V switcher, but this seems like this might work, provided both pre/pros aren't running at once. Comments?