<font color='#000000'>I love my Axioms too. No knock on the other brands mentioned, I just like what I got (M60s) immensely.
I have also heard and thoroughly enjoyed the Monitor Silver-S series. While dealers sometimes have these highly priced, there are places where I've seen them listed at very reasonable prices. Up until very recently, in fact, this site listed Silver S-8s at a very reasonable mail order price. Now they have a notice saying to call about pricing and availability -- might be worth checking out:
Abolute Audio Video
I know nothing about them, mind you, so it's buyer beware. Same goes for this outfit:
Kief's Audio
Their pricing info on Monitor speakers, including the big kahuna Silver S-10, is kind of unbelievable.
I'd try hearing the S-10s (comp to Axiom M80s) and S-8s (comp to Axiom M60s) if you have a chance, and then also some Paradigm Reference. Then, unless you're blown away by a deal on something you like, get the Axioms -- you can't go wrong with their 30-day guarantee, and a really cool dealer (many exist) might even let you A/B the Axioms in their showroom.
Or just buy the Axioms on price-performance and rest easy my friend.