I ended up buying my stuff already.
I went with the Def Tech ProCinema 60 ($359) {couldnt get accomodation, talked to a Def Tech rep, he said that we HAD them, but don't anymore, and that the soonest he'd know if we would again, would be January}
I got the Sony DE597 Receiver ($143), simply because it was the cheapest receiver, with two optical in ports.
Ive got a Soundblaster LIVE! 24-bit external soundcard with optical outs. ($42)
I don't know what it is now, but one of the rear satallites on my Def Techs, when I turn up a scene in LOTR: Return of the King, when there's a lot of bass, the speaker (not speakers) seem to crackle. which makes me = pissed off.
I added a power cleaner and it didn't help, same problem.
I'm going to get the extended warranty, and return the crap.
I work for the magnolia in So Cali. - Mission viejo