My dry cleaner has the best sounding hangers in the industry. I don't even need those supports but when I have a longer distance to bridge, I use a series of levers and pulleys. I have the most translucent sounding system and it brings me so much pleasure words can barely be used, but I'm going to dig out some old Audio magazines to find some that work.
I know someone who did TEF analysis on different speaker wires in the mid-'80s because of the claims that were flying around. He found no significant difference unless the distance was increased. 16AWG and 12AWG, IIRC. He does commercial sound, live/studio engineering and A/V business presentations. We just laugh about this stuff, but many people are absolutely convinced that one brand sounds better than another. $8900 for 6' cables? Someone needs to go after these guys for fraud. They're as bad as Televangelists. Preaching just about the same thing, too.