Buckeyefan 1 said:
Nice find! I don't know if Walmart still carries it, but they used to sell a 50ft. spool of oxygen free copper 14ga wire for $9.99 back in car audio. Royal Cable makes it.
sometimes you can get lucky and find one of their spools of 10 gage car stereo power wire, which works very well for home stereo.
it's a roll of 18 feet OFCHP, which can be about perfect for the fronts and center (depending on your set-up) for about $ 14.
I've never been able to find it on their website, though, since none of their automotive stuff gets posted there. the ten gage is blue-colored.
if that doesn't work, this time of year you can wander back into the Lawn & Garden and look at the Malibu lights. The in-ground power line they sell for Malibu is a very well-insulated 12 gage OFCHP with a price about $ 25 for 100 feet. Not super-flexible, but it's good quality and designed to resist corrosion.
The Phillips PXT and RCA Gold video cables Big W sells are pretty decent quality, as well. It's just a question of losing 1 1/2 hours of your life by daring to go inside !!