First things first:
Check this very website for information about do it yourself speaker cable, but briefly, at short distances, you're going to be fine with most gauge wire, but for distances up to 80 feet, I think you'll be wanting something with a bit more "girth". Check out the Parts Express online catalogue for 12 and 10 ga. speaker wire. The smaller the gauge number, the lower the resistance/impedance, IIRC.
Second: the gold pins you're talking about are attached to the ends of the speaker cable and threaded through the small hole on the speaker 5-way binding post. Make sure you don't touch any of the posts to each other if you use these. IMHO, you might as well just use bare wire if you're thinking about using the pins (I think the spade ends and the locking banana clips are much better connections, and often more user friendly).
If you're thinking about buying pre-made cables, check out Blue Jeans cable or Cobalt Cable: IIRC, they both fared pretty well in the site snake oil tests.
Bryan...or start looking at Home Depot for cable-they've got it, too...