I'm currently routing speaker wire through my walls for my home theater, and I have a question about in-wall insulation (that Pink Panther stuff).
All of the advice I've read on how to fish speaker wire through the insulation say to keep the fishing tape between the drywall and the insulation. My problem is that I'm fishing the wire from my garage up to the floor above through a hole I've drilled in the floor, and I can't really get the fishing tape to go in between the insulation and the wall. However, by sheer luck, I was able to get the fishing tape through the middle of the insulation and grab it through the hole in the wall on the upper floor.
So my question is, is there any technical reason why everyone says to fish the wire between the insulation and the drywall, or is that just to make it easier? Are there any adverse effects that the insulation would have on the speaker wire?