Hi all! New to this website. It appears to be an awesome exchange of information. I have an older stereo system which I really like and do not want to change (old Adcom 200W Amp and Tuner/Preamp combo unit). My old Accoustic Research AR48BX speakers are finally tired. I've replaced the woofers once and now need to replace them again. Midrange cones have also deteriorated. I can't see replacing all of these in 15 year old speakers.
I'd greatly appreciate recommendations on $400 - $800 per pair speakers. Since the Adcom equipemnt is old (~20 years), there is no "surround sound", subwoofer output, etc. so I guess typical home theater systems are out as well as integrated or stand alone sub woofer systems, right?
Thanks, in advance, for any advise/recommendations.