Why don’t speaker companies give ratings on maximum out and the wattage is needed to achieve that output?
The maximum loudness of a speaker varies greatly with details of the room you're in. The speaker companies won't know anything about your listening room.
What are the room's dimensions? Where are the speakers sitting with respect to the walls? How far away is the listener from the speakers? Where is the listener sitting with respect to the walls? It quickly gets too complicated to predict how loud the speakers can play.
It's more useful to know how sensitive the speakers are. What loudness level (SPL) do you get when the speakers are driven with 1 watt (or 2.83 volts) as measured by a microphone one meter away from the speaker? Unfortunately, different speaker companies measure this in different ways, some of them honestly, and others not so much. So it's hard to compare sensitivities from different speaker makers. At present, it's all we have.