Let's put it this way, with the S8s in the mix and a full set of Sigs, I would get as much power as I could reasonably afford. I don't think a receiver would adequately power a full Sig setup without struggling, unless we're talking about something like the Denon 4806 or 5805. A separate amp is usually more capable than a receiver because it is only doing one thing - amplifying. Something like the P5 should be plenty for that setup.
I already answered why - with a monoblock, all the power from that amp is being used by just one speaker, so it has available all the power it needs (providing it is enough power for the application) at any given time. This doesn't necessarily give you more power than a multichannel amp, but it does mean that in the most demanding situations, the monoblocks will be less stressed and able to deliver more total power to your system.