UPDATE 1/30/2021: They are taking care of the problem now, the right way. I will leave the original posts below but the answer to my question appears to be... Sound United and Marantz continues to have great products, unmatched value and good service albeit with occasional hiccups. Original post...
I have been waiting for a warranty repair on a Marantz AV7703 for three months. The authorized repair facility ordered a part and got no response for over a month. After prodding, Sound United (SU) let them know the part would NEVER be available. We were waiting for NO reason.
SU then agreed to a replacement and we waited another week or two to be told the replacement would come in 2 to 3 weeks. I pushed back. Retailers were selling suitable replacements at the time. They apologized that they did not have any units. Guess what? It is now 3 to 4 weeks later and nothing.
I contacted them again and was told that the 2-3 weeks was standard, but these are not standard times. Did they just hear about COVID delays one year into the pandemic? Well at least I got an honest answer. They do not know when they will send a replacement, but don't worry i was told. "Do you think we are going to stiff you?"
Meanwhile, retailers continue to sell new units. Do you believe that they have not sent new AV7706 or AV8805s out to retailers in three months? Do you believe they could not simply have one of their big authorized retailers send me a unit? Or do you believe they are simply waiting for some B-stock AV7705 to magically appear and they don't care how long I have to wait. And why did they ever say 2 to 3 weeks? Too lazy to check? Didn't care? An honest mistake from a company diligently working?
Is this a new pattern of poor service?
Is this more evidence that Monoprice is now the new vendor of choice??
When do you think they will finally dig up an AV7705 replacement?
What are the odds that in I will be waiting another month or two before they give up and send an AV7706?
It is actually worse. I sent the unit in for repair in September when the AV7703 would not power on. I spent about $75 to send it in only to get it back with a bad HDMI board. They had me pay another $75 to ship it in. The second diagnosis was apparently easy. I was told it sounded like a bad HDMI board before I sent it in even though no replacement HDMI board would EVER be available. It should have been replaced right then. I paid and waited 6 weeks before learning no repair would ever happen. The best policy would be to replace any unit that had more than one problem, lemons if you will, immediately and to upgrade the customer to the latest model automatically as a gesture and appreciation. I should not be paying and waiting due to their QC issues. How about at least providing shipping labels? Sadly, my low expectations were met with endless waiting, bad/lazy/dishonest/inconsistent/?? information. They have failed even basic decency respect in my case. Forget actual appreciation for customers. It is pretty bad.
So I wait here, while just down the street new Marantz units go out to new new customers. Should you buy Sound United products???