Nope, all that maters is what the listener hears and enjoys, that's all that matters.
And in most cases, lets talk about younger adults living in what a 2 bedroom 1000 sqft appt or smaller. There is NO custom building of a audio purpose room as it shared rooms along with TV's sofa's and other stuff. The overall majority have their smart phone connected to a sound bar and its playing music, and they enjoy it, or their Big Screen 77" TV is connected to that sound bar, or not. This is their world, not a bunch of old 60+ years old pushing for a change for what a few old guys that want all in one speaker boxes. Might as well go back to the old all self contained turntable, am/fm radio cabinets of the 70's.

, The kids today don't really care and they are the what the future of audio. Sure maybe some lonely guy with few friends might do it, but the big majority its not going to happen, they love their mobility and as they age, who knows.